Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sayonara 2009!

This is a little late, but I didn't want to leave it out. As you might be able to guess from my post title, I am not sorry to see 2009 go. 2009 was a really hard year for me. The economy has really impacted my industry and I got pretty down about not being able to work. May goal for 2010 is have a more positive attitude so I only want to talk about the good things that happened in 2009:
-We got our Big Boy Trigger who has been such a great dog. We love having him in our home (even though I really didn't want another puppy.)
-I got to go to Lake Powell for the first time and loved it.
-We went on several fun camping trips with family.
-Trav got accepted into Grad. school at Westminster pursuing a Master of Public Health degree.
-Trav got 3 A's and one A- in his first semester of grad. school. I am so proud of him. It was a lot of hard work especially with a full time job.
-I got to do some conceptual design work for a custom home to be built in Deer Valley. I spent many many hours working on the renderings but was very pleased with how they turned out. Hopefully it will be built this year.
-We got to go to Denver. I really loved going on a trip with just the two of us.
-And probably the best thing is we made it through probably the hardest year of our lives both financially and emotionally.

To ring in the new year traditionally we go bowling with Trav's family and then do back to Trav's parent's house for food and fun. This year we decided to keep the partly a little more laid back with less people. I really enjoyed the smaller number though and had a blast. Trav's cousin Alisha and her girl's had the cutest headbands on. Ashlyn really didn't want her picture taken though so this is the best shot I was able to get.
Here's Alexis with her cute headband.
Katlin with her friend Linsey
Trav and his brother Cody are such big dorks. This is what pretty every pic I have them look like.
Here are a few of the party goers watching the bowling. No this was not a posed pic but I think it is pretty funny.
See I told you. Two big dorks!
More bowling watching.
One big dork and one little dork.

Most of Trav's immediate family minus Katlin and plus Kyle.
Trav passing out "champagne" to toast the new year.
Trav's mom Paula telling everyone a story. I can't remember the story but it must have been pretty funny.
Trav popping is poppers at midnight.
We spend New Year's Day with my side of the family. This year we went to my Aunt Charlene's house and watched a marathon of the first season of Dexter. We are now addicted to Dexter. It such a clever show about a serial killer that only kills killers. I don't recommend it though if you don't like gore, swearing, or nudity. We spent the day watching Dexter and eating way too much good food.
I say good riddance to 2009 and am looking forward to good things coming to us in 2010. Here are some of my goals for the year:
1. Become more involved with my ward.
2. Eat more healthily and not eat out so much.
3.Finish some home improvement projects.
(like painting the baseboards and chair rails that I've been meaning to do for over a year.)
4. Do some more home improvements.
5. Continue getting more design work.
6. Find out once and for all if I will ever
be able to have a baby or not.
7. Have a positive attitude and not let my
job dictate my happiness.


Amie said...

pam it sounds like you are doing good. it's been so long since we've talked. i am hoping your 2010 year is awesome because you deserve it. p.s. you look so cute in these pictures.