We always spend Christmas morning with Trav's family opening presents before heading to my parent's for brunch. This was the first year didn't sleep over because we were babysitting my friend's two dogs. We got up bright and early (after being up after two hot gluing lights onto my dad's gift) and got there around 8am. Trav's parents weren't up yet so Trigger got the privilege of being their alarm clock and Paula woke up to Trigger's face in her face. After everyone was ready, we headed into the living room and handed out the presents. Usually everyone just tears into their gifts but this year we decided to open them one by one to extend the fun and so everyone could see what everyone got. Trav's parents are always way generous and spoil us way too much. This year our big gift was a Wii. Travis was ecstatic and set it up as soon as we got home that night. Thank you Rick and Paula for all of the great gifts and for the hours of fun we'll get to spend together on the Wii.
We always struggle with what to get Trav's parents for Christmas. This year we decided the best gift would be a copy of Travis's grades from his first semester in grad school at Westminster. He got three A's and one A-. This was Paula's face as she read the report card. We also gave her a gift card to Starbucks so she can get her favorite drink and copy of Trav's Christmas stories.
Trav's dad is the hardest to shop for. So along with the grades, we got him something we knew he'd use: a 6 pack of his one of his favorite beers.
I had to include some Christmas pics of my babies. I can't help but laugh when I see this picture.
Here's our handsome "Big Boy" Trigger. Anyone need a dog model?
I just happened to catch him mid yawn.
Every year one of the kid's gets Paula some her favorite bath soap called VitaBath. It was sold at ZCMI so this year Rick had to search for it online and he found a giant bottle of it. Usually she gets a bottle 1/4 of the size and it lasts all year so this bottle will last a few years. Now Kat will have to think of something else to give her next year.
Annabelle loves her uncle Cody.
Here's Trav modeling one of his new sweaters.
Here's Rick modeling his new Git R Dun hat (which was way too small) and his new book on CD from Glenn Beck who is his favorite. He shows me clips from Glenn Becks shows that he has saved on the DVR every time I'm at his house.
All of the excitement from his first Christmas and only sleeping 4 hours the night before wore our "little" puppy out. That or he was just really bored.
Here's Kat with her new basketball. She made her junior high's team this year.
Here are all of the siblings seeing what Santa put in their stockings.
This was the coolest present. Rick gave Cody his broken wheel in a shadow box complete with chrome lug nuts to commemorate his car accident that happened last summer. Cody hit a pool of water on I-80 and lost control and caused quite a bit of damage to his little Ford Focus. He didn't hit any other cars and wasn't injured thankfully.
Although we hate to open presents and run, we had to leave around 11am so we'd have enough time to eat brunch with my family, open presents, and hang out before we had to head back home to let the dogs out and make it to our last party in time.
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