Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Boy!!

I can't believe my puppy is already a year old. This year has been so fun and has gone by so fast. It's a little sad when your puppy isn't a puppy anymore though. I can't imagine what it will be like with a baby. Trigger is now a huge lab. His comes up to my hips and he weighs about 85-95 lbs. He's still pretty skinny though so he should fill out a bit more. He also does a ton of tricks. He can sit, lay down, shake hands, give high fives, "bang" play dead, stay, leave a bone on his nose forever, and play fetch. We still want to teach him to hunt but don't know where to start. He's really smart though and has been a breeze to train. He has such a funny personality and is a complete Daddy's boy. I can ask him "where's your Daddy?" and he'll run around the house until he finds him. Travis also likes to play hide and seek with him. Trav makes him sit and stay downstairs then he runs upstairs to hide. When Travis says "ok" the search begins. The first place Trigger looks is behind shower curtains and doors. The place that confuses him the most is when Trav gets in his cage. The only naughty thing he does is stealing whatever he can get his mouth on (from the garbage, counter, or sink) and chewing it. We've tried putting up mouse traps to keep him from doing it but he doesn't seem to care. But if that's the worse thing he does I consider myself lucky. He is a lab puppy afterall. Here's some pics of the giant bone Daddy brought him home from work.

It was hilarious watching him chew it. He couldn't quite maneuver it the way he wanted to.