Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I love Bear Lake!!!

We've been going to Bear Lake over the 4th of July ever since I was little. To this day it's my favorite place to vacation. I have such great memories there. We weren't able to go last year since it was so close to Amanda's wedding and I really missed it. I couldn't believe how much the water level had risen. We were almost out of beach. As always, we had a blast. We just relaxed at the beach all day and some had some wild rides on the water weenie. We were able to survive the weekend with only mild sunburns (some weren't as lucky), a ton of bug bites, a couple of altercations, minor boat issues, and minimal injuries on the weenie. I will always love Bear Lake and can't wait 'til next year.This is what we saw in the back seat the entire way there.
Fun at the beach. I still don't know why he has to always make that face in pictures.
Carter playing with "sand toys" which may or may not have been found in the garbage bag. I guess this is what happens when Nana isn't there.
Bailee and a couple of worn out pooches.
Trigger's first swim. He had to be coaxed into the water with treats though.
Surprisingly Annabelle loved the water. She kept attacking it and biting and growling at the waves. It was hilarious. She's a pretty good little swimmer too. (She always holds one leg up when she's outside. I have no idea why. She even runs on three legs when she's in the back yard)
Attacking those pesky waves.
Trigger had a blast playing fetch with Travis. This is his "throw the ball Dad throw ball throw ball" pose.

Good boy!
My dorky brother K.C.
Matt and Amanda. She does this pose in every single picture.
Uncle Rich.
This is how my dad and Harley spent the day at the beach.
Trigger found a beer can on the beach which he loved.
Should I be concerned that my pup liked a beer can so much?
Annabelle is a huge mama's girl and swam all the way out to the boat to get to me. Just as she made it to Trav she was exhausted and couldn't swim anymore and sank. Good thing Trav was there to save her and good thing he was blocking her from my view because I probably would have freaked out. That was a pretty long way for a dog with stubby little legs to swim though. She was exhausted for days.
After she was saved from her near drowning experience.
Mom, Matt, and Amanda on the boat.
He either makes a stupid face or ignores me when I try to take a picture of him.
Jen, Bailee, Jaiden, Skyler, and his Sky's girlfriend Liz on the water weenie.
Apparently the ride was too mellow for Jen and Skyler so they started doing tricks.
Then they started wrestling to see who could knock the other off first.
Skyler usually won. I guess he's making up for all the times Jen pushed him off when he was younger.
This is what we saw in the backseat the entire way home.


Somers said...

Looks like so much fun.

Matt and Amanda said...

Bear lake is always fun!!! But ug, you need to take the picture of me off, I look awful!!!